Through the Earth, I Come Back Home, 2021
Weaving, 100% cotton threads, Naturally hand dyed 100% organic cotton, Naturally hand dyed 100% silk, Embroidered silk with 100% cotton threads, and printed negatives on film (Found imagery from Kurdistan, Syria, Turkey, and Saudi).
What is home? A lingering question that resides in my being. What is the essence of belonging? Is it the embrace of family, the longing for acceptance, a trace back through the history of one’s being, the languages, the traditions, the ancestors?
This art piece is a body acting like a map, a home, a bloodstream that retraces back to my ancestors' traditions of natural dyeing, using materials gathered from the earth that they once stood on--that I now currently stand on. I weave together these threads to create a piece that embodies bodies, souls, words, the ground, whispers, images, and the essence of what once was. Through this piece I repeat, I retrace my being. Through this piece I find my belongings, my home.